A shoebox was the starting point for this project. Our design class was tasked with creating an interior space using this box. We were given free rein in our interpretation of what an ‘interior space’ might be.
The idea behind my design was that of cause and effect. I am aware that the interior design industry is becoming ‘green’ but is still a contributor to the pollution of this planet. The final image is a future projection of Earth. It represents the choices made by current and previous generations and the struggles that future ones will face: extreme weather, floods, droughts, food and water shortages as a product of climate change; increased mass surveillance; degrading mental and physical health; and the loss of biodiversity. These are all very real threats that we face – not just in the future, but now.
This design project was an expression of the frustration that I feel about our behaviours and mind-sets. The same mistakes keep being made time and time again as we have forgotten that we as humans have the ability to make a choice and not just follow the beaten track.